Mary Ann

Food safety is very personal topic for me and for my family. Just before Labor Day 2006, my fit and active 80-year-old mom, Mary Ann, bought a bag of pre-washed, ready-to-serve spinach that she assumed was safe to eat, if not beneficial to her health. Unfortunately, the spinach was contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 — […]

In 1993, after living for years in the Portland area, I moved with my husband, John, to Lincoln City, Oregon. We were blessed to find 40 acres in the coastal mountains, fifteen miles from town. John worked for United Telephone, and I worked at a local restaurant. It was the perfect place for our three […]

Kidney failure, constant pain and nausea, extreme weakness, and weeks laid up in a hospital bed. Not the kind of life you’d normally describe for a typical, active 15-year-old girl looking forward to celebrating her Sweet 16th birthday, is it? But that’s exactly the kind of harrowing, hellish ordeal I went through back in high […]

Maybe it’s the 24-hour flu. This is what Erin Simmons initially thought when her 8-year-old son Trevor’s school called her late in the morning on Jan. 25, 2017. “He doesn’t look good,” the nurse said. Simmons cut out of a conference call early to pick him up. It was a Wednesday. And it was flu […]

All the people in my life expressed their joy that I was recovering, which made it harder to let them know that I was still struggling.

“I thought the day would come when I would just turn a corner and then, somehow, I’d have my life back. Unfortunately, my body didn’t always agree with my mind.”

I really wanted to hear somebody say, “that sucks” instead of the more common, “stay positive”.

“In my head I thought, “I’m going to be okay. It can’t get any worse than what I just experienced.” Boy was I wrong.”

… I was feeling like a crazy person. I could see that something was clearly wrong with my son but the doctors didn’t see it.

We felt totally helpless because his pain was so severe and he wouldn’t let us touch him in anyway.
Sydney and Melody

Something as simple as hand washing could have prevented my children’s suffering.

Everything for Richard, it seemed, was “outside of the box” of what was “normal.”