
I was under the impression that E. coli could only be contracted by someone eating contaminated food.

It was so frustrating to watch our son suffer so much and have nothing to blame it on.

I remember sitting on the kitchen floor petting my dog when my mom played back the voicemail from, who we thought was my sister, the night before. It was actually the on-call doctor at the lab my blood was sent to urging us to get to the emergency room …

Please take action to protect our food.

I am so grateful for the second chance at life that I have been given, as it is so precious.

I had done everything right… clearly it wasn’t enough to protect us from becoming victims again.

The pain we felt as parents watching our daughter suffer day after day was nothing compared to what Rylee had to endure and will remember for the rest of her life.

She never opened her eyes for almost an entire week. She is the bravest 4-year-old I know.

It’s okay … she is still fighting.

As he was examining Morgan he didn’t think she’d have any more problems than a few days on dialysis…

Our fears now turned into a vivid reality that this was not the flu.

It hurt so bad. I was so afraid. I just wanted this nightmare to end.