Clean, Sanitize, & Disinfect: Keep Your Home and Food Safe

Clean, Sanitize, & Disinfect Keeping your home and food safe. Knowing how to clean, sanitize, and disinfect dishes, utensils, surfaces, and other items that come in contact with your food is VERY important. Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting are a big part of your food safety repertoire, and doing them right goes a long way toward […]

Be An Effective Healthcare Advocate for Your Child

Be An Effective Healthcare Advocate for Your Child When it comes to a child’s health and wellbeing, a parent plays a critical role as a child’s best healthcare advocate. This is especially true as it relates to a child receiving care at a doctor’s office, hospital, or other healthcare facility. From the onset of a […]

Food Left Out Overnight: Full of Bacteria & Potentially Deadly

Food Left Out Overnight Full of bacteria and potentially deadly. Don’t eat it! Ah … the joys of summer! Along with the beautiful, warm, sunny weather we’ve all been waiting for comes a habit many people fall prey to that’s a BIG food safety no-no: Eating food left out overnight. It’s a habit that poses […]

Good Hand Hygiene: A Simple Way to Protect Yourself & Others

Good Hand Hygiene A Simple Way to Protect Yourself and Others From Foodborne Illness + More Dear Fellow Food Safety Warrior, We know what you’re thinking! You’ve heard all the hand washing mantras thousands of times before: + Wash your hands after using the bathroom. + Wash your hands before you eat. + Wash your […]

Early Detection Can Mean the Difference between Life and Death

Take Immediate Action to Prevent Serious Health Consequences When a foodborne illness strikes, early detection is critical. It can often mean the difference between life and death. Far too often, though, early detection with proper testing doesn’t happen. Patients presenting with classic symptoms of foodborne illness at doctors’ offices, hospitals, and urgent care facilities are […]

Protect Yourself Against Norovirus So You Don’t Get Sick

Protect Yourself Against Norovirus Noroviruses, a group of viruses that cause inflammation of the stomach and large intestine, are the leading cause of gastroenteritis and foodborne disease outbreaks in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that Norovirus results in 19-21 million illnesses, 56-71,000 hospitalizations, and 570-800 deaths each year. Signs […]

Hair Nets: Do They Protect Your Food from Harmful Pathogens?

Hair Nets: Do they Help Protect your Food from Harmful Pathogens? Hair in our food … is not very appetizing! It’s something we’ve all been conditioned to get squirmy about. To help prevent that dreaded occurrence from happening, hair nets have become a common food safety tool. And we’re betting that, when you see food […]

How Does Bacteria Contaminate the Food We Eat?

Understanding How Bacteria Contaminates Food We Eat Foodborne Illness 101: The More You Know When it comes to food poisoning caused by harmful bacteria lurking in food, we all know about the awful symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea that can come with it. But many people reach out to Stop Foodborne Illness to ask […]

Avoid Cross-Contamination and Keep Your Food Safe

How to Avoid Cross-Contamination Some things in life go great together—like cookies & milk or waffles & fried chicken! But other things—like raw meat and cooked foods—absolutely do not! Separate, Don’t Cross-Contaminate That’s one of our favorite sayings … This food safety best practice is one of THE most important for preventing foodborne illness. In […]

Our Top 5 Must-Have Kitchen Tools: They Make Great Gifts Too!

Do You Have Our Top 5 Kitchen Tools? They help keep your food safe + make great gifts, too! One of the most important places to prevent food poisoning and its awful perils is your kitchen. So, your friends at Stop Foodborne Illness want to help you get your kitchen in tip top shape for […]

Kitchen Best Practices for Food Safety: Are You Doing These in Your Kitchen?

Food Safety Best Practices and Hygiene in the Kitchen Are you doing these in your kitchen? When it comes to “best practices,” it seems we’re always hearing about them for businesses and people in the corporate world. But, guess what? As it relates to your kitchen and food safety, best practices are also a thing! […]

From Farm to Table: How Food Gets Contaminated and Your Role in Preventing It

From Farm to Table: How Food Gets Contaminated and Your Role in Preventing It Our food supply chain is extremely complex. For any one particular food you consume—apples, orange juice, broccoli, hamburgers, frozen pizza, or hundreds of others—many processes and people have played a role in bringing you that food. All of those steps make […]