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Product: Raw Ground Beef Products

Consumers with questions regarding the recall can contact Jennifer Dibbern, American Foods Group LLC’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, at 1-800-829-2838 or email at [email protected].

   + Approximately 80-lb. cases containing 10-lb. plastic tubes (chubs) of “90050 BEEF FINE GROUND 81/19” with lot code D123226026.

   + Approximately 80-lb. cases containing 10-lb. plastic tubes (chubs) of “20473 BEEF HALAL FINE GROUND 73/27” with lot code D123226027.

   + Approximately 80-lb. cases containing 10-lb. plastic tubes (chubs) of “20105 BEEF FINE GROUND 73/27” with lot code D123226027.

Regions: US/Georgia, Michigan, Ohio

Company: American Foods Group, Green Bay, WI

Product: Springwater Packers brand Mild Pepperonistix

CFIA Toll-free: 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and U.S.)

Region: Canada/Ontario

Company: Springwater Meats

Product: Golden Mushroom brand Enoki Mushrooms

CFIA Toll-free: 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and U.S.)

Regions: Canada/ON, and possibly other provinces and territories

Company: Goldenway International Trade Co. Ltd.