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Product: Gills Onions brand Diced Onions

Consumers who have purchased the recalled product and have questions may contact Gills Onions at 1-800-348-2255, or visit our website at for a copy of this press release and photos of the recalled products.

UPC*Use-by dateLot codes located on the side of the cups or back of the bags
Gills Onions Brand64355 0000 3208/18/2023223YAS2B2R212
3 lb. bags, diced yellow onions8/25/2023223YAS3A2R219
Gills Onions Brand6435 50000 6588/15/2023223YAS3A1Z209
8 oz cups, diced yellow onions8/19/2023223YAM4A1Z213
Gills Onions Brand6435 50000 6968/15/2023223YAS3A1Z209
8 oz cups, diced celery & onions8/21/2023223YAS3A1Z215
Gills Onions Brand6435 5000 07888/8/2023223YAC2A1Z206
10 oz cups, diced mirepoix8/11/2023223YAS3A1Z209
Gills Onions Brand64355 0000 6418/12/2023123RAC1A1Z206
8 oz cups, diced red onions8/28/2023223RAB1A1Z222

These recalled products are well beyond their August 2023 use-by-dates, and are no longer available for sale in stores. Please check for product description in table below. We recognize that the recalled onions or foods with those onions as an ingredient could be in consumers’ freezers. Anyone who has an expired, recalled product in their possession should not consume it and should destroy or discard it.

Regions: US/Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington

Company: Gills Onions, Oxnard, CA

Product: Enoki Mushrooms

Consumers who have purchased the 200g packages of “Enoki Mushrooms” are urged to return them to the place of purchase for a refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 718.389.8898 Monday-Friday EST 8AM-5PM.

The product comes in a 200g, clear plastic package with barcode 8928918610109 marked on the packaging. All products within expiry are included in the recall and were distributed between 8/7/2023 and 10/20/2023.

Regions: US/NY, NJ, PA, MA, MD

Company: Utopia Foods Inc, Glendale, NY