Beneficial Connections

Mentors understand how chaotic, emotional, and overwhelming your world has become and they are available to offer a listening ear.
You do not need to struggle on your own.

Peer to Peer Mentoring

Our Peer to Peer program is comprised of constituent-mentors who are available to offer compassionate insight based on their personal experiences. To inspire, encourage and be a valuable resource for anyone whose head is spinning because they've been dropped into the middle of a storm.

We’ll connect you and/or a family member who is currently managing the impacts and persistent effects of foodborne illness with a mentor who has been similarly impacted and can share her/his unique perspective.

This service is completely free.

Peer to Peer Mentoring

You are not alone.

"Sharing your experience with others who have survived a foodborne disease can be one of the most beneficial connections and sources of information for anyone dealing with the aftermath".

      ~ Mary McGonigle Martin
      Constituent Mentor and Mom to an E. coli Survivor

A common thread

Becoming a Peer Mentor has been amazing.

"Even though our stories were 15 years apart, and her son's experience was far worse than my son's, we shared a common thread. 

I'm pretty sure that making a connection with another mom did as much for me as it did for her. I consider it a privilege to not only share my family's story, but to inspire, encourage and be a valuable resource for anyone whose head is spinning because they've been dropped into the middle of that storm!

It started as two mothers sharing their stories, but because of our shared passions and outlook, we've become not only stronger voices for food safety but also friends. STOP has become more than just a resource for my family, they've become my family

                                       ~ Charlene, Mother of E. coli Survivor

   Find Peer Support

Close up thoughtful mindful african american guy sitting on couch, talking on speakerphone, dictating voice message, using online translator app or voice recognition software, virtual assistant.

"Stop Foodborne Illness came along at just the right time.

Though it seemed that everything was getting “back to normal” and I was healthy and ready to jump back into a full life, I still had some pretty strong fears about having this experience happen all over again.

Jillian was a Godsend!

After speaking with her for only five minutes I had no doubt that she totally understood where I was coming from. I knew that I was not alone, and that gave me strength

Katie, E. coli Survivor