
Everything on this web site is provided AS IS and without warranty of any kind.  Stop Foodborne Illness is not providing medical advice or serving as a substitute to a professional medical provider.  Information here is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor.  If you suspect you have a foodborne illness we encourage you to visit an Emergency Room or a healthcare professional.

Stop Foodborne Illness has made every effort to offer current, correct, and as-clearly-expressed information as possible.  Inadvertent errors do occur and changes will be made periodically when any error is brought to our attention.

By providing this web site, Stop Foodborne Illness shall not be held liable, or undertake any responsibility whatsoever, for the content of linked sites, messages, articles, and any other third-party information.  Your activity on third‑party sites is governed by the security and privacy policies of the third party sites.  We urge you to read those respective privacy policies.