Safe Cooking & Storage

Learn about the food temperature danger zone
or how temperatures affect food and cause foodborne illness.


Bacteria grow fastest in the range of 40°F – 140°F

Did you know that hot and cold foods left out at room temperature for more than two hours are dangerous?

Or that, bacteria grow fastest in the range of 40°F – 140°F (the Food Temperature Danger Zone)?

Room temps for these foods are a veritable breeding ground for harmful (and possibly deadly) bacteria like E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella.

Stop Foodborne Illness wants to help you understand the important role temperature plays in keeping your food safe and you free from the perils of foodborne illness. So, let’s cover some food temperature basics and specific things you need to do to stay food safe.


Your fridge is one of the very best weapons you’ve got in the fight against foodborne illness.

Bacteria grow fastest in the range of 40°F – 140°F.

A refrigerator set at 40°F or below will protect most foods. When bacteria get the nutrients, moisture, and warmer temperature it needs, rapid bacteria growth occurs and can reach levels that may cause illness.

Refrigeration slows bacterial growth.


Bacteria capable of causing foodborne illness grows very slowly at low temperatures.

One of the most basic and important ways to make sure your food is safe is to set your refrigerator and freezer at safe temperatures for food storage. Per the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), those temps are 40°F for your fridge and 0°F for your freezer.

Bacteria capable of causing foodborne illness doesn’t grow or grows very slowly at these temperatures. This cooling of your food slows the movement of molecules, which causes bacteria to enter a dormant stage.

To make sure you’ve got the right temps, check the thermometer inside your unit.  


Just because your food looks done doesn’t mean it is done.

The only way to know if your meat, poultry, and egg dishes are safely cooked is to use a food thermometer.

For instance, many people assume that when a hamburger is brown in the middle, it’s done. But, according to research by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 out of 4 hamburgers turns brown before it reaches a safe internal temperature of 160°F.
   • Cook all poultry (including ground) to a safe internal temperature of 165°F
   • For all ground meat and meat mixtures the safe internal temperature is 160°F
   • For fresh, raw, whole cuts of red meat (beef, veal, chops, and lamb), it’s 145°F

Not cooking your food to safe internal temperatures means bacteria may still be surviving inside and cause illness.


Bring sauces,
stews, soups,
and gravies to a rolling boil

When reheating leftovers, cook them thoroughly to a minimum safe internal temperature of 165°F and use a food thermometer to check (every single time!).

Your food should be steaming hot all the way through. Covering leftovers when reheating on the stove or in the microwave, helps retain moisture and ensures even cooking.

When reheating frozen leftovers, it’s best to first thaw them in the fridge.  


Get leftovers into the fridge within two hours of being cooked.

One common cause of foodborne illness is not cooling leftovers soon enough.

After foods are cooked to safe internal temperatures, bacteria can reappear and reproduce. So, be sure to get those leftovers transferred into shallow containers (for quick cooling) and into the fridge within two hours of being cooked.

Remember: Leftovers in the fridge will last safely for four days max. After that, do one of two things: Freeze ‘em or throw ‘em away.

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