Food Safety Videos and Factsheets

The Power of Storytelling

If you’ve heard one of our constituents tell their story IRL or on video then you know how powerful sharing stories about the impact foodborne illness can have on one’s life, family and community can be. 

Many of our videos are always available wherever there is internet access. Find them here.

The WHY of Food Safety

Stop Foodborne Illness and the LGMA on Food Safety Culture

Empowered to Make Real Change

In 2006, an outbreak of foodborne E. coli O157:H7 spread through spinach. Following the outbreak, the California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA) was established to improve food safety practices and prevent future contamination.

In 2013, farmers and representatives from the LGMA met with several constituents from Stop Foodborne Illness, who are survivors of this outbreak.

This is the story of two STOP constituents, Lauren and Rylee, meeting with Dan and the LGMA.

For more information:

Continually Advancing

In 2021, Lauren, Rylee and Dan met again on behalf of the California LGMA and Stop Foodborne Illness. The first time they met, their individual stories had a great impact on one another. Now both organizations have partnered again to continue the story of why food safety matters.

In this follow-up, they share how the original video has impacted their lives and their food safety messages. Looking to the future, they’re also encouraging more dialogue and trust among everyone who participates in the world of food.

As Dan Sutton (LGMA) says, “By working together we create content, context and understanding …”

STOP and LGMA invite consumers, farmers, and everyone in between to work together for a stronger food safety culture.

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Strengthen Your Food Safety Culture

Introductory Video (9 minutes)

Stewart, Nancy, and Laura tell their stories about how their lives were irrevocably altered by contaminated food.

Other Language Options

The WHY Behind Food Safety: Spanish (5.5 minutes)

En 2006, un brote transmitido por los alimentos de E. coli propaga a través de la espinaca. Este vídeo conta la historia de LGMA y dos sobrevivientes de este brote.

Para más información:

The WHY Behind Food Safety: Chinese (5.5 minutes)

Introductory Video:
(9 minutes)

La misión de Stop Foodborne Illness (Parar la enfermedad transmitdo por los alimentos) es apoyar y involucrar a la gente que tiene un impacto directamente por la enfermedad transmitdo por los alimentos y la moviliza a ayudar en prevenir a las enfermedades y las muertes en implusar a cambio a través de la defensa, colaboración y innovación. Nuestra historía está llenada con ejemplos de los individuos y las familias que se han juntado y como un buen amigo de Stop dijo, “se transformó los perdidos aislados en algo más grande que la tragedia individua.” En este vídeo intruductorio, Stewart, Nancy y Laura dicen a sus historias sobre como ellos estaban afectado por la enfermedad transmitido por los alimentos.

Introductory Video: Portuguese (9 minutes) 

A missão de Stop Foodborne Illness (Parar a doença transmitido por alimentos) é apoiar e engajar a gente directamente impactaram por a doença transmitido por alimentos e as mobilizam para ajudar prevenir a enfermidade e a morte em motivar mudança atrevés de defesa, colaboração e inovação.

Nossa história está cheio com exemplos dos indivíduos e as famílias que hão convergido e como um bom amigo de Stop disse, “transformara perdas isoladas em algo mais grande que tragédia indivídua.”

Em este vídeo introductório, Stewart, Nancy e Laura dizem a suas hístorias sobre como eles estavam impactado por a enfermedade transmitido por alimentos.

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