My Story Continues

Rustin's E. coli experience. And advocacy.

Spend a Moment with Rustin

“I want other kids and everyone to feel that our food is safe when we go to restaurants or grocery stores.”

This is not a common mission for most 15-year-olds, but it is for Rustin Brown.

And here’s why:
About 10 years ago when Rustin was in kindergarten, he and his family ventured out one evening to enjoy a nice dinner together. They ordered the family meal that included a lettuce salad.

Salads are typically a healthy food choice that parents are more than pleased to see their kids nosh on when they’re just five. But, this salad was unfortunately not a healthy one: The lettuce that Rustin ate that day had E. coli O157:H7 lurking in it.

After coming home from dinner, Rustin felt very sick.

Right away he began suffering from severe stomach aches that caused violent episodes of vomiting. Concerned, Rustin’s mom, Charlene, took him in for a visit with his pediatrician. The doctor examined Rustin but told Charlene that her son just had a stomach bug—nothing serious to worry about.

If only that were the case. It wasn’t.

You can also get helpful advice on how to navigate our increasingly complex medical system and learn about resources/programs available to support your child’s developmental, social, and emotional needs.

As a child’s mom or dad, you’ll gain so much peace of mind by learning how to communicate effectively, deal with conflict, and get results you’re looking for when seeking healthcare for your child. It will take an investment of your time and energy to become a strong advocate. But your child is well worth it.

Upon returning home from the doctor, Rustin collapsed. Charlene rushed Rustin to the hospital where tests soon revealed that he had contracted one of the most serious strains of food poisoning— E. coli O157:H7.

While at the hospital, the terror that Rustin went through remains crystal clear in his mind. “Even though I was only a kindergartener, I vividly remember the shots, the pain and the fear my parents had in their eyes. I’ve been through several scary moments in my life, but this is, by far, the scariest time I remember,” says Rustin.

After spending five harrowing days in the hospital, Rustin returned home and went back to school.

Now, 10 years later, rather than simply trying to forget his frightening foodborne illness, Rustin feels compelled to help others avoid the same fate.

One great resource is your local hospital’s social work staff or your child’s primary care doctor’s office. They are there to help and can offer a wealth of resources to help you learn how to effectively engage with doctors and other healthcare practitioners.


After learning about Rustin’s experience, STOP asked if he’d be willing to take to the podium in Portland, OR to share his story and testify at a the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) meeting. He enthusiastically accepted and, during his speech, Rustin gave poignant remarks that really struck a chord with everyone who heard him.

Rustin was happy to participate and something unexpected happened: Rustin realized that speaking about his food poisoning experience was much easier than he had imagined. And he really enjoyed the opportunity to help others with his words.

So, coming as a surprise to Rustin, that day out in Portland turned him into one of STOP’s newest food safety advocates. He is now at the top of STOP’s call list for speaking and advocacy opportunities. 

And, when the chance came up recently to speak for a special college prep class, Rustin knew what topic he’d want to cover.

He quickly got to work developing some thoughts about how he got food poisoning, what he went through and how consumers can play an important part in preventing it. It’s a speech that he’s also planning to use soon for kids at the middle school where his mom works.

When he’s not on the speaking circuit, Rustin enjoys life as a sophomore at Steele Canyon High School near his home in Alpine, CA, a suburb of San Diego. He loves math, and you can find him playing guitar, running cross-country and hanging out with friends and family in his spare time.

Life is good and I’m really happy that my foodborne illness didn't cause any long-term health consequences. But I know things could have been much worse,” notes Rustin. “That’s why I’m so passionate about telling my story. Kids and adults alike need to know how easy it can be to get food poisoning and ways they can prevent it.”

September 2014