My Story Continues

Dana talks about life since her Salmonella illness.

Spend a Moment with Dana

Talk about a time when you spoke to a room full of people.

I have spoken around the country about my experience with a food borne illness and why FSMA is so important to me and should be to everyone. When I spoke at the IAFP I was speaking to a roomful of people from around the world and it meant a lot when after my presentation when people from Africa, Switzerland and Canada came up to me.

The people from Africa wanted my Mom and I to go to Africa and speak about my experience and read my book to children there. It made me realize that the importance of food safety is not just at US problem put a world problem.

What’s happening in your life right now?  I am a Junior at Trinity Academy of Raleigh with lots of AP and Honors courses. I am also on the Varsity swim team and qualified for State competitions so I am really excited about that.

Because of the reactive arthritis I never thought I would ever make to the State level. I am looking at colleges and universities and thinking about education or psychology for a major.

How has your experience with foodborne illness shaped the way you think about food today?  I don’t think I will ever look at food again the way most people do. Most people don’t think about the safety of the food they are eating and I am worrying about every bite of the food I eat, especially when I eat out.

February 2015