Our constituents are consumers and our work is always grounded in our constituency.  

STOP focuses on two critical areas of Constituent Services:
1) Navigational map 
2) Consumer advocacy


Navigational map:  With the navigational map that was built by our constituents for those in crisis, post-crisis or managing long-term impacts of surviving a severe foodborne illness we provide support for anyone who is need.  Our community does not want anyone else to suffer as they have and so, they have provided all of their best guidance as to manage the journey of severe foodborne disease.   

Consumer advocacy: This is an essential part of the system of checks and balances when industry, regulatory policy and the public interest intersect.  It is our distinct honor to represent every individual that has the courage to step forward to participate, advocate, and engage as well as those that, sadly, cannot. 

We amplify the voices of those who have suffered and share their stories to influence food safety culture and educate those that do not understand the potential tragic outcome of eating contaminated food.