July 28, 1910 – July 23, 1999
For our Dad…Your loving daughters Jule and Carolyn
There is no way to describe the loss we felt and still feel when our father left us. After a wonderful Father’s Day trip to Victoria he returned home to become deathly ill from Salmonella, which he contracted from unpasteurized orange juice while at his Father’s Day brunch.
Our dad was a very special, wonderful man with a fantastic sense of humor. From the time we were little our friends all wished he was their dad.
Our dad loved his family very much and enjoyed his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On what would have been his and our mother’s 70th wedding anniversary, his great-great-granddaughter was born. This was a wonderful gift and we know Mom and Dad were truly celebrating.
Dad always enjoyed working and worked up until the day he became ill. He had the same sense of humor with all who knew and loved him and was always thoughtful and concerned with the problems of others and did his best to help them. No matter where he was or what he was doing he would always go up to someone and start a conversation and before you knew it they were his friends.
We will never forget our dad and the pain he suffered. We pray that he and our mom are happy and we know they are with us always and loving us forever.