You may not know it, but your journey has already begun, a voyage through a dangerous place called “foodborne illness”.
Our families are here to walk you step-by-step through key landmarks ahead, to direct you through the rough patches, and to deliver you safely to recovery and healing.
You are your child’s (or other family member’s) best advocate. This advocacy will take on many forms in the days and weeks ahead.
Right now, at this moment, you need to find your bearings.
We believe you’ll find them in this roadmap.
Our Peer to Peer program is comprised of constituent-mentors who are available to offer compassionate insight based on their personal experiences. They understand how emotional, overwhelming and chaotic your world has become and they are available to offer a listening ear.
Whether you are establishing a “new normal”, trying to manage physical pain or figuring out how to communicate with family and friends about your illness and possible long-term consequences, our constituent-mentors are willing and able to provide insight, and so much more.
The story of STOP began with a terrible event and mothers and fathers who’d lost children, and suffering families who were grieving and angry.
Together, they felt compelled to turn their isolated losses into something greater than individual tragedy.
Whether it’s putting your story in writing, speaking with media or industry, or making a video, your story is your voice.
With facts and emotion, personal stories have empowered all kinds of people to change the world.
Did you know?
In foodborne events, symptoms typically occur within 6 to 72 hours after consuming food or beverages that may have been contaminated. Symptoms can range from mild to serious and can last from a few hours to several days.
Most people use the terms “food poisoning”, “foodborne illness” and “foodborne disease” interchangeably. All these terms are defined as an infection or irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract caused by food or beverages that contain harmful pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, or viruses.
There is a wealth of information on STOP’s website that is free for the taking.
“Poultry contaminated with Salmonella in violation of USDA’s current ‘performance standards’ can still be sold with USDA’s ‘mark of inspection,” says STOP CEO Mitzi Baum.
Stop Foodborne Illness was born out of individuals demanding that there be food safety policy reform to protect consumers.
As such, we continue in our founders’ tradition of advocating for safer food, increased transparency and better communication to consumers.
Today, we have returned to our roots as we collaborate with other public health organizations to advocate for the modernization of the scientifically outdated and unenforceable FSIS performance guidelines pertaining to Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry.
Stop Foodborne Illness is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.